Water Plant Expansion - Fort Collins - Loveland Water District
As of January 1, 2025, water tap fees, monthly rates, and other rates increased in price. For more details, click here .

Get to Know Soldier Canyon Filter Treatment Plant

Soldier Canyon Filter Plant, located at the base of Horsetooth Reservoir, treats and distributes water for three local entities: Fort Collins-Loveland Water District, North Weld County Water District and East Larimer County Water District.

Fort Collins-Loveland Water District (FCLWD) receives the majority of the water it provides to 60,000 people in parts of Fort Collins, Loveland, Timnath, Windsor and Larimer County from the Soldier Canyon Filter Plant. The plant has some of the highest quality water in the area, which is measured and reported on quarterly for the plant, and yearly for FCLWD.

Soldier Canyon Filter Plant Expansion

Soldier Canyon Water Treatment Authority completed an expansion to the Soldier Canyon Filter Plant in 2021 to allow Soldier Canyon to meet peak summer capacity demands without relying on any other plants. The expansion also improved water quality with the construction of additional taste and odor facilities. In addition to new construction, updates and improvements were made to existing systems and equipment at Soldier Canyon Filter Plant. This ensures that the plant as a whole is able to adapt to new operating standards and serve customers for the long term.

Project highlights

  • The peak plant capacity output flowrate increased from an estimated maximum 45 million gallons of water per day (MGD) to a reliable 60 MGD.
  • The addition of the North Flocculation and Sedimentation Building provided a new pre-treatment process train with the capacity to pre-treat raw water up to 30 MGD.
  • A new 750,000 gallon decant pond was created with improved capacity for solids handling.
  • The chlorine contact tank, a 1.5 million gallon concrete structure, can be used for final plant effluent water disinfection.
  • There is now a new standby chemical feed system in place that can be used to treat and potential taste and odor issues associated with changes in raw water quality.
  • Upgrades and improvements to existing equipment created increased efficiency, operating capacity and more.

Thank you to our partners:

General Construction Manager At Risk Contractor: Garney Construction, Fort Collins, CO
Project Manager: Ditesco Project & Construction Services, Fort Collins, CO


Pictures of the project: