By the year 2050, the population of the Northern Front Range will double. Water is a valuable and limited resource that we all need. Fort Collins-Loveland Water District is dedicated to preparing for the future and developing a smart and dependable water portfolio to ensure the water needs of all current and future customers is met.
For additional information about how we’re preparing for the future check out our Rate Study Summary, or view the full Rate Study Report completed in 2018. For the 2023 rate study information, view it HERE. For the 2024 tap fee study, view it here.
FCLWD currently gets its water from the North Poudre Irrigation Company, Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) project, Josh Ames, Divide Canal and Reservoir Company, and Windsor Reservoir Company. While we have enough water for all existing customers in our service area, and for the growth we are currently experiencing, we will need an additional 8,000 acre-feet of water to meet the demand of our growing service area by 2032.
We’ve taken a hard look at our water portfolio to ensure we can consistently deliver water to you; no matter what Mother Nature delivers. Take a look at our Drought and Water Supply Summary.
To close the anticipated gap, FCLWD is looking to other water source options, including the Northern Integrated Water Supply Project (NISP). NISP is a proposed water storage and distribution project that will supply 15 Northern Front Range water partners with 40,000 acre-feet of new, reliable water supplies. This project includes two reservoirs in Northern Colorado.
FCLWD’s portion of NISP is estimated at $82.5 million (2017 dollars), dedicating 3,000 acre-feet of water to the communities we serve. In addition, FCLWD, with other water providers, is planning for additional water treatment needs, which will include the construction of a regional water treatment plant. FCLWD’s estimated cost for the treatment plant is $32 million (2017 dollars). Because most of this water source is intended to supply growth in the communities we serve, it will be paid primarily with tap fees that developers pay when they build new homes and commercial buildings in our communities—not by current customers of FCLWD.
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