Everything you need to know about rate increases - Fort Collins - Loveland Water District
As of January 1, 2025, water tap fees, monthly rates, and other rates increased in price. For more details, click here .

Time to conserve a little water this winter

What you need to know about raising rates

When it comes to raising rates, nobody likes to pay more for anything. With that in mind, raising rates for our customers is not a matter we take lightly. We know the changes that the Fort Collins Loveland Water District (FCLWD) makes here impacts your pocketbook and bottom line at home. Furthermore, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable water for all of our customers.

However, we need to make strategic decisions today that will ensure a dependable future for our water. We can all agree that water is one commodity that we can’t go without –  it is as necessary as sunshine and puppies. We could use a lot more of all of those these days.

Raising rates through small incremental increases allows us to keep water affordable for our customers while supplying the funds we need to maintain and upgrade our water system and infrastructure in the years ahead. In fact, did you know that our District has some of the most affordable rates in the region?

So, while you can expect to see some increase in rates, know that this will ensure we are able to continue to provide world-class service and high-quality water that you are accustomed to.

What will my bill look like with these rate increases?

Rest assured that you will not see a massive increase in your bill starting next year. We take into account a variety of factors to ensure that the jump is something our customers can absorb. We have also chosen to increase rates slowly over time to help reduce the impact on our customers.

Starting in January 2021, all customers will see a 4% increase go into effect. In addition, customers with an irrigation or commercial tap will have an increase in their water resource surcharge, from $1.00 to $1.50 per thousand gallons.

This increase will affect users’ monthly bills, especially during heavy irrigation usage months. But there are things that you can do to help offset the costs.

Winter water-saving tips

The rate increase, combined with winter coming soon, means there are more things you can do to help offset the cost while conserving water. It’s a win-win!

Water is a limited and costly resource that is invaluable to our communities and it’s important to use it efficiently and reduce wasted water to ultimately help maintain our water supply. A few minor tweaks by you to use less water also means a smaller bill from us. Things to try include:

  • Implement a cycle soak method when watering your lawn next spring and summer.
  • Consider xeriscape in your yard. You can start planning in the winter so you’re ready to start come spring.
  • Upgrade to rain sensors. Don’t water your lawn twice! Take advantage of free water from Mother Nature to water your lawn when you can. Plus, it can help eliminate over-watering resulting in a healthier lawn.
  • Install sub-meters. Finding a leak can be time consuming and frustrating when you can’t narrow in on a zone. By installing a sub-meter, you can better monitor your own water usage and find problem areas quickly.
  • Monitor and fix broken sprinkler heads. A leaky sprinkler head can waste about 225 gallons during one 15-minute watering cycle. Keep an eye out for leaks and broken heads and repair them quickly to reduce water waste.
  • Sprinkler system audit. Did you know we offer these for free every summer in collaboration with the Fort Collins Utilities? Mark your calendar to sign up early next year before appointments fill up.

As you make choices in your day-to-day life that require less water, that means a smaller bill from us. We offer conservation tips on our website and Facebook page that can help you make minor tweaks that add up.

Who decides on these increases?

Our Board of Directors conducts extensive research and planning to ensure they are making the right decision for the future of the District. In 2017, we conducted a rate study to evaluate our current rate structure. The study revealed that some customer classes are placing a higher demand on the water system now than in the past. This led us to make strategic decisions now to ensure the future of our water.

Want more?

If you want to dig deeper into conservation or rate increases, we have plenty of information for you to drink up.

Did you know we have a Water Efficiency Plan? Check it out or visit https://fclwd.com/water/conservation/.

If we all band together we can collectively conserve water for the future.

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