Don’t miss out: Garden in a Box kits on sale March 1 - Fort Collins - Loveland Water District

What if you were able to click a few buttons on March 1 to guarantee a summer gardening project that’s super-fun, cost-effective, water-efficient, adds instant curb appeal to your home and will be available for easy pickup in May? Sound too good to be true? Well, we live in Northern Colorado, where just about everything is truly that good.

The past few years have seen a passionate uptick in conscious gardening here in Northern Colorado. Between the pandemic-era lockdowns that reignited our collective passion for our backyards, and the increased spotlight on home water use in relation to our region’s water challenges, residents are discovering new, eco-friendly ways to grow everything from native grasses to victory gardens. With the annual return of the Garden in a Box program, more area residents will be able to join that discovery—and at a discount.

The Garden in a Box program is back for 2022, but in order to make sure you receive your affordable do-it-yourself garden kit from Resource Central, you’ll need to reserve soon. They’re officially on sale March 1 and prone to selling out quickly. Keep reading to discover more about the program, how you can secure your garden before they sell out (and they do sell out!), what you can expect from inside the box, and how all levels of gardeners can enjoy this incredible opportunity.

What is Garden in a Box?

Garden in a Box is a do-it-yourself gardening kit that’s produced by Resource Central, a Boulder-based nonprofit that focuses on simplifying ways people can practice water conservation. As a service to our customers, the Fort Collins-Loveland Water District (FCLWD) participates in the program, which translates into a discount for you. Garden in a Box kits go on sale March 1 and are made available for pickup beginning in May, but they typically sell out quickly, which is why it’s important to reserve yours early in the season.

Why does it sell out every year? One of the reasons has to be the absolute bounty that comes in each box. Each year, participating customers can expect 15-30 starter plants, a comprehensive Plant and Care Guide, and maps that help you plant by numbers. When customers choose one or more of the mostly-native boxes (including Colorado Oasis, Hummingbird Delight, Native Nectar, Pollinator Patchwork and Splendid Seasons) they’ll save $25.

What’s so great about gardening?

A casual walk around areas throughout Fort Collins and Loveland and it’s clear how much we all love gardening. The area is a hub for gardening enthusiasts and regularly makes headlines for its flora, beginning with the Annual and Perennial Trial Gardens from Colorado State University. Add to that the Gardens on Spring Creek and the fragrant flowers in bloom every year throughout Old Town Fort Collins, and you can’t miss our local obsession with plants and flowers.

For the average homeowner, gardening not only improves curb appeal and invites friendly fauna to your yard, but also does wonders for mental health. Studies have shown that gardening can improve mood, self-esteem and attention span while promoting community and exercise. It’s pretty great.

Why should I get a Garden in a Box?

If you’re not already convinced, here are just a handful of reasons why you should participate in the program:

  • It’s water-smart: You know how your water usage spikes in the summer from all that grass watering? Garden in a Box focuses on low-water plants that replace grass in your yard so you can garden and save water when compared to a traditional grass lawn. In fact, Garden in a Box saves more than 7,300 gallons of water over the lifetime of a garden compared to Kentucky Bluegrass.
  • No green thumb required: You don’t have to be a gardening pro, a horticulture student at CSU or an intuitive plant whisperer. Each Garden in a Box kit comes with detailed plant-by-numbers maps and plant care guides, so you don’t have to play the guessing game.
  • Instant curb appeal: Customers can add near-instant curb appeal to their homes with professional-level design that costs a fraction of the price that a professional landscaper would cost.
  • Attracts local fauna: Because the Garden in a Box options are mostly native plants, they help create friendly ecosystems for the kind of animals you like to see. Bee and bird pollinators are drawn to the native plants, which can help you and your neighborhood sustain beautiful and bountiful ornamental and edible gardens for years to come.


Sold! Now how do I get a Garden in a Box?

It’s easy, as long as you remember to reserve your box early. This program is incredibly popular, so it tends to sell out quickly, much to the great disappointment of those who wait.

To get started, swing over to Resource Central’s dedicated page and click the “Shop Garden in a Box Store.” One you’re there, pick the box (or boxes!) you’d like to reserve. Upon checkout, you’ll be prompted to select a discount as a participating member. Since both Fort Collins Utilities and the FCLWD are available for the $25 discount, make sure you select FCLWD from the dropdown menu.

The final step? Pick your box up beginning May 1 at designated locations (more info upon purchase). Pickups are typically available until the end of June.

Reserve your Garden in a Box today!

Water-smart gardening, instant curb appeal, a mental health boost, butterflies—there are myriad reasons to participate in the Garden in a Box program. It’s also something to look forward to, which is always nice. Just make sure you purchase yours before they sell out.

As a customer of the FCLWD, we know you’re proud of the area we all call home. Join the growing crowd of area residents taking up gardening and bring a little extra beauty to your neck of the woods.

Reserve today!

BONUS: You could WIN a Garden In A Box

We love Garden In a Box so much we’re giving away FIVE free gardens to our customers between March 1 and March 15. Head over to our Facebook page for more information on how to enter.

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