NEWS: NISP ensures that Northern Colorado will have the water to meet future demands - Fort Collins - Loveland Water District
On October 15, 2024, the FCLWD board will be conducting a public budget and rate hearing.  The 2025 water tap fees and water monthly rates will be discussed. For more information and details on the proposed changes, click here.

The Northern Integrated Supply Project, NISP, is not just for the Fort Collins-Loveland Water District, FCLWD, but Northern Colorado as a whole.

Water is a valuable commodity here in Colorado. The FCLWD Board of Directors advocates strongly for NISP as a key tool to supply water.

The purpose of NISP boils down to increasing our water supply without harming other users, such as agriculture, and greatly mitigating environmental impacts. NISP will deliver two new reservoirs providing the northern Front Range with 40,000 acre-feet of new, reliable water and 1,600 surface acres for recreation.

Read the full article from North Forty News.

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